- to work in canada, u need to complete 2 steps
- 1st step is to get registered with the medical council of canada.
- 2nd step is to get practise license from approraite medical licensing authurity.
- to get registered with mcc(medical council of canada), u must pass 3 exams.
- the 1st exam is MCCEE(medical council of canada evaluating exam).
- MCCEE is MCQ exam.
- MCCEE determines if the IMG(international medical graduate) is eligible to enter the 2nd exam or not.
- the 2nd exam is MCCQE 1(medical council of canada qualification)
- MCCQE 1 assess if the IMG is qualified to work under supervision or not.
- MCCQE 1 has 2 components : MCQs component and Clinical reasoning skills components
- MCCQE 1 can be only done in canada.
- the 3rd exam is MCCQE 2
- MCCQE 2 assess if IMG is qualified to work without supervision.
- to enter MCCQE 2 , u must at least have 1 year post graduation experience.(internship of course not included)
- MCCQE 2 consists of series of clinical cases(not real patients but done by actors)
- MCCQE 2 can only be done in canada.
- after passing the 3 exams, now u can apply for registeration.
- doctor registered with MCC is called LMCC(licentiate of medical council of canada).
- after that u can apply for residency programs through CaRMS( canadian resident matching serivce)
- CaRMS matching occurs in 2 iterations per year.
- the 1st one is primarily for medical students who were graduated from canadain medical schools.
- the 1st iteration matching results will be announced in mid-march.
- unfilled positions will be entered into the 2nd iteration.
- the 2nd one is for students who were not matched in the 1st one plus IMGs.