Friday, April 22, 2011

Form fill up for Canada Immigration - Schedule 1, Background declaration

This post is about filling the old forms. 

Click here to get the information about new forms.

Here I discuss the way of form fill up for Canada Immigration - Schedule 1, Background declaration.

Be aware that form fill up for Canada Immigration - Schedule 1, Background declaration should be done for every 18+ persons accompanying the applicant. For example if there are parents with one child, then two forms of Schedule 1, Background declaration should be filled up. One for the applicant and the other for the spouse of the applicant.

First of all, make sure, you have checked the box indicating for whom the for is being filled up.

I am describing the procedure of form fill up according to the number of the box.
  1. Your full name: At first box write down your family name. Put the given name in the next box. If you have more than one given name, put all of them in this box.
  2. Your full name in your native language: Write down it in your native language (for example, if your native language is Arabic, you'll have to write your name is Arabic). Probably this will not be supported by the PDF form. In that case you'll have to write it manually (with a pen)
  3. Other name you are or have been using: Give your nick name here (if you have any). Other wise write "Not applicable"
  4. Your date of birth: Put it in the box following the given format i.e. first year of birth followed by month and date.
  5. Current country of residence: Give the name of the country where you are living right now.
  6. Your status in that country: If you are a citizen of the above mentioned country, write citizen.
  7. Personal details of your father:
    Fill up the spaces as you did in the previous sections
  8. Personal details of your mother:
    Fill up as before
  9. Now read every parts and check the corresponding boxes. Don't forget to provide details in the subsequent area if any of the boxes are checked for yes.
    This box also applies to all of your family members above 18 years.
  10. Education:
    Fill up the boxes and table according to your educational achievements.
  11. Personal history:
    Fill the table starting the latest work you are doing. Be cautious not to leave any space time not mentioned. If you did nothing for the time put unemployed against the time space.
  12. Membership or association with organization.
    If you are member of any organization, write it in the table with the specified time in the specified area of the table.
    If you do not have any membership of association just write "None" at the first row.
  13. Government positions:
    Fill it you ever have served the government. Put "None" as before if you haven't done before.
  14. Military services:
    Again do it as previous two. Put "None" on the first box if you don't have served any.
  15. Addresses:
    Put all the addresses where you have lived since your 18th birthday.
This is very important: Don't forget to sign at the box in the last page and write down the date.

Leave the remaining last portion of the form empty.

To remind again, form fill up for Canada Immigration - Schedule 1, Background declaration is mandatory for everybody above 18 years accompanying the principal applicant.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

USMLE or MCC for Canada

For the IMG (international Medical Graduates) who migrated to Canada must go through MCC examinations. They have to pass MCCEE and MCCQE.
USMLE is not valid in Canada. If one have plan to get involved in USMLE, he/ she will have to go to USA for residency and practice.
Is someone is planning to settle is Canada and think that he would not take the risk of continuous failure with residency after passing MCC examinations. He can give try USMLE. There are cases who have passed USMLE and finished residency in USA had better luck with getting residency in Canada after passing MCC.
The question is who has the patience of getting involved in three MCC exams followed by residency in Canada after passing four USMLE exams and having residency in USA.